The first time I saw you

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the most beautiful woman i have ever seen

(dont tell this to bella or tessan

or the countess or the dream!!!)

was som search i did on youtube

for mk ultra mind experiments

she had gone through the worst

and came out not an angel

oh no she was more beautiful than that

like an elf queen like bella

ok tell bella about it!

bella youre more beautiful than her <3

because i dont know her

but those big green eyes

that shone like... i dunno

nature doesnt shine for me

its been so long.......

and that reminds me of susanne

we talked for some hour

she had her huge sunglasses on

i asked about the tatu she had

on her arm, i asked,

where is hell in it?

she replied

"i dont believe in hell"

took off her glasses

and they shone like

i dunno

green diamonds

green gold


like my freckles

like miss latinas freckles

like traceys freckles


by Sofia Sotz

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